“The most important kind of freedom is
to be what you really are.” (Jim Morrison)

Hi! I’m Angela Wills. Thanks for popping in!

I love to teach skilled women and moms use email marketing to sell online. My focus is on turning what you’re good at into resellable group coaching programs or masterclasses and promoting products you love via affiliate marketing.

My father in law once said to me: “So you just think up things to sell, make them and make money, right? That’s just the greatest thing in the world.” I’ll never forget that… he GOT IT. I think he’s right, too. It’s just the greatest thing and it’s the kind of business that can let you truly live life on your terms if you’re smart about it.

I’ve been teaching people how to make money online since 2005 while also raising two children. My oldest is 20 years old. I like to say I was raising a business while raising a family. I didn’t go after the million dollar business in year one… I grew bit by bit and bigger and bigger as my family grew. Many years I worked very few hours (like 5-15 per week). I’ve sold over $1M in products and services (mostly digital products) online. I took my time while my family was always my priority. I like to think I attract moms with an ambition to be great moms and business owners at the same time. It’s a balancing act!

I love the beach, coffee and spending time with my fam 😁 (oh and emojis which I called emoticons for way longer than acceptable, lol!).

I send my friends emails every day. I call this “Letters from Angela”. If you’d like to get on the list you can sign up here.

Check out my latest offer below or see all offers here. There’s plenty more to come in 2022!

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